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Why do I need help?

With around half of the population looking to deal with the process themselves following a death, it is important to understand what is expected of you when sorting the affairs of someone who has died.

There are legal and practical steps that need to be taken as well as the personal liability aspect.

Are you prepared to take on the personal liability?


You must make sure that the wishes of the person who has died are carried out. You’re duty bound to the court and anyone who is owed money; as well as the people who are to inherit, acting in their best interest at all times. You must achieve the maximum possible value from the estate and keep it completely separate from your own affairs. If you get something wrong, even unintentionally then you could be held personally liable and you may have to put things right out of your own pocket.

Have you got the time?


The whole process can take over 9 months to a year to complete, and sometimes longer. Please bear in mind delays can arise through no fault of your own.

What is MyDigiExecutor?

This online tool will help you through all the various stages and processes involved in a clear way, whilst making sure everything is dealt with properly and in accordance with the law.

Unique to you  

It’s more than just a guide, it learns from your answers along the way and only shows you the information you need.

Tailored to your individual circumstances

It stores your details and the details of the person who has died, so that everything is kept safely and securely in one place. This makes it easier for you to deal with the process, providing you with the populated letters and forms needed.

Help, at a pace to suit you giving you flexibility

It will let you know of any key dates and milestones you need to be aware of, other than that, log in as many times as necessary to complete as much or as little as you need at that time.

Guiding you through each section with simple yes or no questions

To make it as easy as possible to use, you don’t need to have any legal or computer expertise, since it will guide you through, one click at a time.

Broken down into steps

I’ve made the process manageable, from the beginning to the end, I’m here to help you.

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